Promoting your website - first steps

Some business owners fall in to the trap of assuming that search engines will suddenly bring a wave of customers to their new website. A small number of people will find you this way, but you also need to incorporate your web address into your other marketing material. Having a website also opens up other online advertising channels.
Business cards - a vital tool when using networking to promote your business, but one that shouldn't be overlooked by anyone. All business owners should carry business cards with their web address and contact details. You never know when a chance meeting will provide an opportunity to make a sale or build a new business relationship.
Vehicle / Shop Signage A company name, strapline and phone number provides the essential information, but adding your website address will give passers-by access to wealth of information that will help to make a sale.
Advertising Make sure your web address is easy spot and easy to read on any marketing materials.
Email signature A signature block can be configured to appear at the end of all the emails you send. You should typically include your name, position, company name, phone number, web address and preferably your logo. Every email you send now includes a promotion for your website.
Online networking. Make the most of your personal network of friends and colleagues, let them know you have a website and ask them to pass your link to anyone who may be interested. Link to your website where possible, and in some of your updates.
Google Places for Business If you have work premises, make sure you add your business to Google Places for Business. This free service will allow people to find you on Google maps and in search results. Make sure you add a link to your website.
Online Advertising You may want to try Google AdWords to promote your website using online ads, or Facebook or LinkedIn ads. Many niche websites offer banner ads too.
By Brett Jackson
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