I have a website, what now?

This article gives you the knowledge required to edit a website that uses Head Start Design's content management system. It also provides links to other articles that will help you to make the most of your website.
Getting started
If the prospect of editing your website make you nervous, you may want to start by reading the following article: What every website owner should know.
Click on the link in your "Welcome Email" to browse your website in "edit-mode". You can then right-click on content that you want to change and choose from the options presented.
Editing Tutorial Videos
Watch the following videos for detailed instructions:
Lesson 1 - Introduction and basic editing
Lesson 2 - Changing text
Lesson 3 - Adding images
Advanced text formatting
We don't include complex text formatting tools (fonts, colours, tables etc.) on your website as these introduce inconsistencies and often result in messy code being generated. However, we do have a few formatting option which you can make use of and a way to include links to other pages or websites of interest to your customers.

We advise that you make minimum use of the bold, italic and bullet points as overuse can make your web page harder to read.
Search engine optimisation
See the following article to learn how you can benefit from free traffic from search engines: A beginners guide to search engine optimisation.
Attract visitors to your website
Search engines will usually find your website and include it in their indexes within a few weeks. However, you should also include your new web address in any marketing materials you produce. Having a website opens up online advertising channels that you could experiment with. For more details read: Promoting your website - first steps
By Brett Jackson
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What every website owner should know
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A beginner's guide to Search Engine Optimisation